For Everyone
For Fertility & Pregnancy
For Babies & Children

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is the use of plants in treatment of illness and well being (preventative). They are food, nutritional and healing. They are used in all illnesses and to maintain and enhance good health. Herbs are useful for treating symptomatically or for increasing immune function.

Medicinal herbs have been used world-wide for centuries. They are gentle (great for children/elderly) and work with the body’s own natural ability as well as working alongside other therapies or drug-orientated medications. Herbs help the individual have some control in their own health.

A herbalist is trained in most illnesses that a medical practitioner would treat therefore knows minor conditions e.g. colds as well as more serious conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. A case history determines which are the best herbs for the individual.


To book an appointment
Please contact the centre reception on

020 8293 5380 / 5405


Monday 1pm - 8pm Every second Monday of the month


1st appt: £70 - 1 hour
Follow-ups: £45 - 45 mins
Follow-ups: £30 - 30 mins
Child follow-ups: £40 - 1 hour
Child follow-ups: £25 - 30 mins
