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Renata Spinelly Martins

Renata Spinelly Martins

Renata’s colourful life and journey led her to where she is now.  Renata decided to train as a Counsellor after working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in 2011 as a Capoeira (Brazilian martial art and dance) instructor providing relief support for refugees. This humbling experience led Renata to realise that she wanted to help people in a more profound way to change their lives. This is what started Renata’s internal journey and professional training in Counselling. Renata went on to work in a Parent Support Charity (PSG) in Deptford offering long term counselling to parents and careers and to work in an NHS GP practice in Oval offering short-term counselling to support people with anxiety and depression.

After spending most of her life battling with chronic debilitating candida and receiving little help from the medical profession Renata decided to explore new avenues to tackle the root of her condition. Over a period of 15-20 years Renata changed her diet, explored various natural holistic treatments, Chinese medicine and energy healing.  This journey awoke Renata’s deep interest in psychosoma (the mind and body as a physical unit) and the discovery that her chronic candida was deeply rooted in an emotional issue, a repressed early childhood trauma.  Thanks to this and many other similar experiences Renata has a very good connection with her body and feelings.  Renata’s embodied learning was invaluable on her life path; feelings really are held in the body and when not expressed can turn into illnesses and other conditions.  So, when it comes to healing Renata likes to consider a more holistic perspective and where appropriate look at the psychosomatic and soul connection.

Another influential factor in the making of Renata a therapist and healer are her spiritual family in Brazil.  Renata’s dual nationality British Brazilian have been a backdrop to her life. Crystals and pendulums have featured in her life since she was teenager. Renata’s deceased maternal grandmother planted a beautiful seed which Renata is now sowing by following her on going Crystal Healing training and spiritual development as a clairsentient and intuitive.

By overcoming many moments of powerlessness Renata was able to learn her life lessons and turn her weaknesses into her biggest strengths and gift to the world. By following her passions Renata has found that her interests naturally compliment her professional training as a Counsellor, Theta Healer and Crystal Therapist. Combined, all these qualities have equipped Renata with a varied and unique set of skills and experience which she is now ready to share.

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